Friday, September 15, 2006

Arsenal Safe From Takeover?

Thank you, Arsenal Holdings plc, for quickly putting down rumours of a takeover. It must be said however in the hours between the Sun revealing the 'news' and the denial being issued there was mixed reaction.

Whilst the vast majority of Gunners had already decided they needed to see a more reliable source for these tiresome claims, some were openly considering the options should external investors appear, waving their 'loadsaroubles' in our faces.

The fact that even a relatively small number of Arsenal fans should have considered the possibilities should be of concern to the board. I don't personally know the major shareholders, but the impression I am given by those who claim they do are that Messrs Dein, Edelman, and Fiszman are Arsenal men through and through who will not sell their soul, or our club.

For now the holding company have acted quickly enough to plug the rumours. There is still that nagging doubt for so many, however, that modern day football is a business, and everything has a price. There are those of us who appreciate hugely the difference between the way that Arsenal are currently run when compared to Chelsea, Manchester United, and to a lesser degree, Tottenham. Let's hope the prospective returns are sufficient to keep the current 'Arsenal men through and through' in place for some considerable time yet.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Goonerholic said...

Welcome to my initial test post. Please feel free to leave your opinions.

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that the board have the integrety and the decency to keep the club just how the fans want it. We have no interest in investors, we love the Arsenal just the way it is.


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