Defending The Indefensible

I have an awful admission to make. I don't know who is responsible for PR at Arsenal these days. I should know, but I don't. Whoever it is regularly has my sympathy as he battles to try and cast a positive light on negative press, often self-inflicted.
Take today. The media, written and broadcast, have feasted on the clubs decision to ban national flags from Ashburton Grove. Some of the spin has been almost painful to listen to. Take for example the idiot on TalkSport who described the 'decision to ban the Cross of St George' from Arsenal. By all means let your bias show fella, but be factual. All national flags have been banned, and what for?
Unbeknown to this broadcasting 'professional' the whole affair has been sparked by the insistence of one fan to bring a Northern Cypriot flag to every home game this season. Understandably supporters of Greek origin have not taken kindly to this. In reponse to a petition I understand the supporter in question was invited to the ground and asked not to bring the offending flag again. He refused. This is the point at which I become confused.
I am obviously working on what has been published, which in fairness may not be the entire picture, but at this point why was the offender not told that he would be banned for not complying with a reasonable request? When did some bright spark come up with the idea to ban all national flags from the ground, and therefore upset a number of individuals and supporters organisations who have Arsenal flags based on a variety of national emblems?
The PR man has been strangely quiet. Although in fairness compiling something positive on this story whilst levitating (not having a leg to stand on) cannot be easy. One mans bloody-mindedness has led to an absurd response, apparently political correctness gone mad.
That PR man must have spent the day praying for something else to come along and bury the story. If only Arsene had abused the referee on Saturday having just picked up a ten grand fine and warning as to his future conduct. Now wait a minute.....
I have to say I feel a bit sorry for Arsenal fans here. I just hope they react by flying national flags- particularly English flags- as much as possible. This flag ban is complete nonsense. You wouldn't get it in Scotland or Wales.
The CEP issued a press release condemning the decision, and said they believed Arsenal fans won't stand for such idiocy.
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