Monday, November 13, 2006

Wenger Wins The Tactical Battle

The defeat of Liverpool was a triumph for Arsene Wenger. The talk in the pubs around the ground an hour before kick-off centred on the absence of Lehmann and the selection of Flamini. Concerns that were expressed proved premature and unnecessary.

In fact it transpired that the manager who got it wrong was Benitez. I’m convinced that Flamini owed his selection to the probability that Liverpool would switch Gerrard to the gap in the centre of midfield created by the injury to Sissoko. Not only did Rafa go for the lightweight Zenden, he also stuck with the 4-4-2 formation rather than the five man midfield that has been used most successfully to throttle Arsenal at the Grove this season.

Flamini found himself with enough time on his hands to convert Cesc’s delightful pass and that first goal transformed the contest. In the second half the visitors defence was not surprisingly left exposed by the lack of cover from midfield and Arsenal’s central defenders galloped forward to claim the clinching goals.

Kolo Toure is a player at the peak of his powers, and his finish demonstrated his confidence. Sadly Adebayor is a player who has no part to play in a 4-5-1 formation, and his late cameo saw him in a similar position to Toure, only to see his effort saved. That’s what happens when the footballing gods conspire against you. Ade will get his chance. I’m sure, when Wenger deems 4-4-2 will be the suitable formation for lesser opposition. He will need to demonstrate more assured finishing when that time comes.

So Arsenal are up to third, and still have a game in hand over Manchester United and Chelsea. The season is bubbling up rather nicely, unless your name happens to be Benitez.


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