'Not For Sale' Signs At The Grove
Sorry for the late post today. The attraction of a golf course on a wet and windy day is not what it once was, but as I had arranged this some time back I found myself performing a zig-zag stroll across five miles of sand and water infested countryside this morning.
The bonus is that I get to comment on a couple of articles from the official Arsenal site which have appeared today. Keith Edelman is talking down the speculation concerning a potential takeover at the club. Personally I would have preferred a sabre-rattling “We are not for sale so get stuffed” to “The directors are committed to the Club and love the Club. That is all we want to say on the matter at the moment.”
For now though I think we can rest a little easier. It would be nice to hear Danny Fiszman come out with something just to put the whole sorry speculation to bed once and for all.
As the debate about pricing continues the club have also confirmed that ticket prices for next season will be pegged. As far as supporters are concerned this can only be a good thing.
The only reservation I would have at this stage would be with the line that reads ‘However, there will be some specific matches which will be designated as Category A fixtures. Details are communicated at the appropriate time’. This season the upcoming fixture with West Ham crept into the category A class, which on the face of it seemed strange. The fact that the game has sold out may encourage another one or two fixtures to slip quietly into that category and attract a thirty percent premium.
So that’s it for another day. Hopefully I will return with a late post tomorrow to bring the latest team news ahead of the fourth clash with Liverpool this season. Now where did I put that golf video?
It's so close!
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